
Visit Tagxedo

You can use Tagxedo to create visually stunning word clouds like the one I embedded in this post by inserting words (e.g. speeches, news articles, letters, slogans, themes, and so on). You can do so by uploading a document, entering a URL or simply by pasting text into the appropriate field. Tagxedo will size words appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text, leaving out small words like “is”, “are”, “do”, etc.
With just one click, you can rotate the cloud, modify its colors and font, and also alternate between themes and shapes as you please. You can even upload your own images and have the word cloud assume the shape of the image.

Assignment 1

  • Create a word cloud from your blog!
  • Create a post displaying your image and a link so that visitors to your blog can create their own!

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